In this era of modern aviation, can it really still be that important
how you look? After all, the role of cabin crew has gradually evolved
from glamorous trolley dolly to the highly trained professionals
responsible for passenger safety and security they are today. So does it
really still fit, that whilst crew will be responsible for dealing with
emergencies, administering first aid, being the first line in security
(once on board) and being the only thing standing between passengers and
panic should anything go wrong, that they also need to ensure their
nails are done and hair is nicely coiffured?
The importance of image
course airlines are highly competitive and we all know how influential
brands can be. Everyone has heard the phrase ‘sex sells’ and attractive
images are used in advertising to entice you to part with money for
items from cars to chocolate, newspapers to drinks. So is this part of
the reason? Do cabin crew need to be well turned out in order to
encourage customers to come back? Would it make a big difference to your
overall holiday experience to have cabin crew who didn’t wear make-up
and wore flat shoes? Apparently many male passengers prefer to Fly with
Virgin because of the ‘attractive girls, sexy uniform and massage
service’. Is this just a good sales ploy, or does it undermine the
serious responsibilities of cabin crew?
Surface differences, same underlying principles
different airlines do have different rules and expectations, there are
some commonalities and many of these can be put down to health &
safety e.g. hair tied back, clean clothes, sensible uniform you can move
in. Some of the differences reflect cultural preferences, such as
recent media coverage of the Middle Eastern airline who insist female
crew remain single, and the unusual approach in China of holding a
bikini parade for women seeking aviation jobs. While these stories might
be somewhat shocking to western sensibilities, is it worlds apart from
interview candidates having to make sure their hair, make-up and outfit
is as important as how they answer their questions?
Professional look
the right image is important to plenty of professions, and many
organisations go a long way to ensure their customer facing
representatives look the part. But is image given too much priority for
the serious role cabin crew have today? After all, would we feel in
safer hands if a nurse was wearing lipstick or less secure when police
officers aren’t good looking? Of course cabin crew do need to be clean,
smart, presentable; it wouldn’t convey a good impression anywhere to
have someone who looks unhygienic serving food or providing a welcoming
you! But how far does it need to go?
Going the extra mile to show you’re a great fit
professional look for most careers is essential. What is less clear is
what place the ‘perfect cabin crew look’ still has today. Some of us
might like the aura of glamour and embrace the opportunity to look our
best at work. Others may find it out-dated and more than a little
sexist. Whatever opinions we have, the fact remains that how you look
and present yourself IS very important to most airlines and you do need
to turn up to your assessment day having gone that extra mile in terms
of your appearance. Maybe over time this will change, but for the time
being, when it comes to preparing your appearance for interview it is
probably better to be safe than sorry!
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