Our Top Cabin Crew Frequently Asked Questions

We are always delighted to hear from anyone keen to start their cabin crew career. Many of you have very similar questions as you contemplate applying, and luckily we are able to put your concerns to rest! Here are a few of the most common things we are asked about.

Q: Can I apply if I have a Tattoo?
A: They are fine as long as they aren’t visible whilst in uniform, so make sure they are covered up e.g. with clothing, make-up, a discrete plaster. If your recruiters can’t see it and passengers won’t be able to, you will be fine. However, it is always worth double checking with the airline you have applied to as you would not want to fail an assessment day based on your tattoo.

Q: Am I too old or too young to fly?
A: There are no age restrictions except from starting age which varies between airlines from 18-21. A more mature applicant will bring a wealth of experience to the role of crew. The most important factor is good physical health as the job is tiring. Whatever age you are you need to be up to being on your feet all day, coping with jet lag (on long haul), pushing heavy trolleys, dealing with suitcases etc.

Q: I am young and I don’t have much customer service experience. Is that going to be a problem?
A: Any form of experience will be beneficial e.g. bar or waitress work. You will have your own unique experiences to draw on even if you haven’t had long to do many different jobs. Just make sure you are clear how what you have done is relevant to the role of cabin crew, and if you think you fall a little short, go out and get some new experiences i.e. through voluntary work, assisting in a profession, apprenticeship or part time roles.

Q: I’ve just been for an Assessment day with an airline – how long do you think I will have to wait for my reply?
A: 6 million dollar question! Every airline and recruitment drive is different depending on availability of trainers, how many crew they require (manpower requirements), how urgently they need you to get on line (flying). It’s a good idea to ask this question at the end of your 1-1 interview.

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