All about cabin crew tattoos

Are cabin crew allowed to have tattoos?

This seems to be a commonly discussed issue among those, men or women, who wish to become cabin crew, but already have tattoos, and Nicoleta Gherman, trainer and recruiter, has already answered a few questions on this topic.
As a general rule, it is considered that, having tattoos isn’t a problem as long as they aren’t visible whilst wearing the uniform, but numerous companies that hire, ask cabin crew candidates during the interview whether they have any tattoos or not.
Some of the people we know, are of the opinion that they haven’t made it pass the first stage of the interview because they have admitted having a tattoo, even if this was positioned on their shoulder, back or stomach. Others, who kept quiet about their discrete tattoos during the interview, passed without any problems – it seems an unfair and confusing situation for those going to the selection!
One thing is certain: each airline adopts a rule when it comes to cabin crew tattoos. Some companies’ policy says that a flight attendant is not allowed to have any tattoo, while other companies’ policy says that, as long as the tattoo isn’t visible, it is not a problem.

Company policy regarding cabin crew tattoos

The airline companies’ argument for their not wishing cabin crew to have tattoos is that, if they, at a certain point, design a new uniform with shorter sleeves or of a finer material, it is possible that cabin crew’ tattoos will be exposed in plain sight.

Qatar Airways policy regarding cabin crew tattoos

No tattoos allowed, regardless of the area they’re located in. This company does not tolerate tattoos and did not hesitate to make redundant senior employees when they introduced this rule.

Etihad Airways policy regarding cabin crew tattoos

If tattoos can be covered by the uniform, they are not a problem. Camouflaging a visible tattoo is not allowed: “No tattoos that would be visible whilst wearing the Etihad uniform (bandages and cosmetic coverings are not permitted).”

Emirates policy regarding cabin crew tattoos

Tattoos are allowed as long as they are not visible whilst in uniform. “No visible tattoos while in Emirates Cabin Crew uniform (cosmetic and bandage coverings not permitted).”

Wizzair and Ryanair policies regarding cabin crew tattoos

Tattoos can not be visible whilst wearing the uniform. Does not allow any visible tattoos. Only those that can be covered by the uniform are allowed.
An airline company will never hire cabin crew with visible tattoos. Furthermore, there are companies that completely prohibit the presence of tattoos, no matter what area of the body they are located in.
Generally, the policy says that no cabin crew can have visible distinctive mark (tattoos, scars, birthmarks). Most uniforms for cabin crew consisting of a skirt/gymslip knee length and short-sleeved shirt, so that it is forbidden to have tattoos or any visible marks on any of the body parts in sight.
The visible parts of the body are: face, neck, hands, arms, legs.
During the assessment day, recruiters might ask you to fill out a form where you mention if you have any birthmarks or tattoos, and where exactly are they positioned on the body. If you do not wish to declare a tattoo to the recruiters, it will eventually be revealed during the medical test that every cabin crew must undertake at the airline’s medical clinic, after the employment. In this case, your employment contract ceases immediately and you will be sent back home.

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