Uniform Standards Please!

Each and every airline has a certain set of standard for their staff to adhere too whilst in uniform. The image of the airline is paramount to it’s reputation….scruffy crew equals scruffy standards.
Here is a guideline for British Airways cabin crew when it comes to uniform standards – if you feel you would struggle with these then maybe you need to think twice about your career!

  • Hair no longer than collar length, clean and clipped back (food handlers)!
  • Worn up hairstyles must be neat and tidy with no wispy bits.
  • 1 stud ear ring in silver.
  • No chipped nail varnish and must be either red or very natural pale shades, no blacks, blues etc.
  • Lipstick to match your uniform colours.
  • No external badges on clothing or bags (only name badges or luggage labels).
  • Tights only in black (free from snags) always carry spares.
  • Shoes polished and plain black for male & female, no buckles etc. Ladies shoes no higher than a couple of inches for the heel.
  • Uniform bags and suitcases plain black or navy blue and no stickers (wheelie bags to fit in the overhead locker).
  • Jackets to be worn fastened at all times.
  • Gillets (in flight overalls) to be worn at all times during the service on board.
  • Hats to be worn when walking through the airport and in the public eye.
  • Uniform jackets to be worn at the same time (as a crew) i.e. all on or all off, if it is hot weather outside.
  • Ties and cravats to be worn at all times.
  • Shirts clean and well ironed, crisp white.
  • Sleeves never to be rolled up.
  • Skirts to sit on the knee no higher.
  • Trousers not to be altered e.g. narrowed.
  • Name badges to be worn at all times with your wings on your jacket lapel.
  • No chewing gum EVER.
  • No eating in front of public unless a bad delay or discreetly on board.
  • Do not use mobile phones whilst walking through the terminal or on board the aircraft.
  • No ruck sacks or shopping bags.
  • Never use bad language or critic the airline.

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